Canadian Healthcare Technology
ITAC Health
How the Internet is changing health care
Top doctor says system is 'imploding'
Ten Things Every Small Medical Practice Should Do To Service Your Patients Better
What Does The Lost Baggage Counter And Your Medical Office Have in Common?
A Perfect Day in Your Medical Practice: The Efficient and Well-Run Medical Office
Finding a Medical Office Manager
How to treat your physician practice like a small business
How I Do Twitter
Developing Marketing Strategies for Your Medical Practice
Marketing a Physical Therapy Practice: What Works & What Doesn't
Going Digital Saves Medical Practice Money, Improves Patient Care
How much is my medical practice worth?
Medical Practice Marketing BASICS: How patients Find YOU — a medical website?
The Ontario Society of Chiropodists website provides information about foot care and foot health in Ontario for both the general public and health professionals in this industry.
Ontario Chiropractic Association is a voluntary professional association representing Ontario's actively practicing chiropractors.
Ontario Dental Association represents a voluntary professional organization representing 80 percent of dentists in Ontario. The website promotes the attainment of good oral health for Ontarians.
Denturists Association of Ontario website is intended to be a centre of information for denturists and the public.
Ontario Massage Therapist Association is a non-profit association that provides leadership for and advocates on behalf of the profession.
Association of Ontario Midwives is the professional body representing midwives and the practice of midwifery in the province of Ontario. Advocacy and public education is provided.
Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists provincial professional association of occupational therapists living and/or working in Ontario. The website provides information about occupational therapy, OT practice in Ontario and resources of value to OTs and consumers of OT services.
Ontario Opticians Association provides members with general information regarding education, legislation and events.
Ontario Association of Optometrists is the provincial member association for optometrists across Ontario.
Ontario Physiotherapy Association provides general information on physiotherapy, and includes resources for physiotherapists and students.
Ontario Podiatric Medical Association website is a resource for the general public seeking information about foot health matters as well as to podiatrists and other healthcare professionals.
Ontario Association of Psychological Associates provides information about the profession, education for members and career links.
Ontario Psychological Association is a voluntary professional organization whose website provides information about the practice of psychology for members of the public and for psychological practitioners.
The Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists is a voluntary, not-for-profit association providing its members with provincial advocacy, promotion of the professions, educational opportunities, and professional resources.